SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

'The Journey of the Mask' by artist Lionel Garang

© Kuona Trust
Genre : Exhibition | Nairobi

From thursday 17 april to tuesday 27 may 2014

Times : 00:00
Contact details : Kuona Trust
Tel. : 0733742752 / 0721262326
Principal country concerned : Column : Fine arts

Kuona Trust Art Center is pleased to announce Lionel Garang's first solo exhibition, ‘The Journey of the Mask'. The exhibition is a reflection of the artist's multifaceted and complex view surrounding the culture of Masks.

Garang explores the mystery, allure and functionality of the mask, exploring its transformation from ancient times to modern day.

The journey of the mask

Information / Venue

Entry Free!

Likoni Close, Likoni Lane Off Dennis Pritt Road, Hurligham
Nairobi ( 0506 )


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Persuaders cultural club

With the support of