SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Shattered Loves

Release date : Wednesday 05 december 2012
Genre : Novel

Book ISBN number : 9782748396904
Pages : 242
Column : Literature

One day, a delegation of Europeans managed to come as far as the Court of Nana Osei Toutou in Koumassi. It occurred to the king and his counsellors to entrust me to this delegation of Dutch people. I was still asleep when I was met in the harbour of Amsterdam. It was in 1707. This delegation left me with a postal convoy that took me to Germany where the duke Antoine-Ulric of Brunswick-Wolffenbüttel took care of me.
In my second homeland, Germany, I did enjoy a good life. Germany was indeed my second homeland, after Axim. My youth in Germany unfolded under favourable auspices. I had a scholarship. It was granted to me by the Court of Wolfenbüttel. I did not have any material pressure, my studies ran very smoothly. I was thus able to register at the University of Halle on 9th June 1727. This young institution then had an extraordinary intellectual influence. It was even regarded as one of the greatest poles, and indeed as the capital of Aufklärung in Germany.
Nathalie Hannah Von Bülow, whom I tutored in philosophy-pneumology, was a beautiful girl, as radiant as a joyful dawn, a true perfection that Providence, from time to time, presents human nature with...

Traduction Odile Gouget


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