SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Milo Poko Mo

  • Milo pòkò mò
Genre : Musical
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2008
Format : Mid-length
Running time : 54 (in minutes)

Saint Marie is a municipality of fields and water formerly covered with arrows cannes and with inhabiting, located in the North of Martinique. In this northern Atlantic area resounds the "bélé", a country music and a dance which nobody knows when it appeared but which was carried by great men, most of them being dead now. Emile Caserus known as Milo was one of these masters. Not only a dancing master but also a "mèt" voice who played a great part in reinstating the "bélé" in Martinique and also in promoting it outside the island and this, until his death in 1992. Beyond a simple portrait of artist, "Milo Po Ko Mo" gets us in step, immerses us the old days of long time ago, in the country behind the country, where music gives not only the tempo but also the rhythm of life and philosophy. "Milo po ko mo" describes in fact the impulse of a "young" towards his father. Many years after his father's death, Jean-Michel Casérus is faced with questions. Who was really Milo that everybody remembers ? What to look for ? What else to find in these "Bele" evenings that so many times and nights his father enjoyed to animate ?


directed by Fabienne Kanor

Theme: Portrait, music
Duration: 54 min
Language: french
Format: video numerique 16/9

Available versions: french


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Persuaders cultural club

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