SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Mohamed Khan

  • Mohamed Khan
© Cinemed
Film director, Film critic, Screenwriter
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv, Literature

Born in Cairo in 1942, Mohamed Khan is an accomplished filmmaker who has directed 22 feature films to date. Khan completed his film studies at the London School of Film Technique (now known as the London International Film School) in 1963, and went on to work at the script department of the General Egyptian Film Company and as an assistant director in Beirut from 1964 to 1966. Many of Khan's films, such as Missing Person (Kharaja wa-lam Ya'ud, 1984), Return of a Citizen ('Awdat Muwaten, 1986), The Wife of an Important Man (Zawjat Rajol Muhimm, 1987) and Dreams of Hind and Camilia (Ahlam Hind wa Kamilia, 1988), are considered milestones in the emergence of the Egyptian neorealist trend in the 1980s. Khan's rich filmography has been the subject of a number of retrospectives worldwide, including Montpellier (1991), Tokyo (1992) and, most recently, Tetouan (2005). He was decorated with a National Medal of Culture in Tunis in 1998 and a National Medal of Science and Arts in Egypt in 2001.


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  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Persuaders cultural club

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