SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese

© courtesy Locarno 2020
Film director, Screenwriter, Director of photography (d.o.p.), Editor
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Born: 17.01.1980
From: Leribe, Lesotho

- Script writing

Mokoari Worx from Mokoari Street Productions on Vimeo.

Lemohang Jeremiah MOSESE is a self-taught filmmaker and visual artist from Lesotho, based in Berlin. Two of his short films, Mosonngoa (2014) and Behemoth - or the Game of God (2015), have been screened in numerous international film festivals, including the Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival, Raindance International Film Festival, Kinodot Film Festival, Festival del Cinema Africano, d'Asia e America Latina, as well as the Durban International Film Festival and L'Étrange Festival. Mosese is also an alumnus of the Berlinale Talent Campus (2012), Focus Features Africa First Short Film Program (2012), Realness Screenwriter's Residency (2017), and Final Cut in Venice workshop (2018).
Born in 1980. In 2011, Mosese participated in the Berlinale Talent Campus. He directed FOR THOSE WHOSE GOD IS DEAD, his first feature-length film, in 2013.
Mother, I Am Suffocating. This Is My Last Film About You (2019) is his second feature-length film. His film won six awards at the Final Cut in Venice workshop and went on to premiere at the 2019 Berlin International Film Festival.
He was one of three filmmakers selected for the Biennale College-Cinema lab, with his feature film This Is Not A Burial, It's A Resurrection.
Mosese is an alumnus of many programs, including Focus Features' Africa First and Cinéfondation's L'Atelier.
Mosese served as a juror for Berlinale International Short Films in 2020 and as juror for 2020 Locarno Film Festival (The Films After Tomorrow - International Jury).

2014 - Mosonngoa (Mocked One), short
2015 - Behemoth or the Game of God, short
2019 - Mother, I Am Suffocating. This Is My Last Film About You, feature
2020 - This Is Not A Burial, It's A Resurrection, feature

Source :
* Bio- & filmography as of Berlinale 2019 /// www.berlinale.de/en/programm/pressevorfuehrungen/datenblatt.html?film_id=201918614
* www.dohafilminstitute.com/financing/projects/grants/mother-i-am-suffocating-this-is-my-last-film-about-you
* www.sundance.org/projects/this-is-not-a-burial-it-s-a-resurrection
* www.locarnofestival.ch/LFF/about/awards-juries/jury-the-films-after-tomorrow/lemohang-jeremiah-mosese.html
updated by Thierno Dia, on 27 July 2021

Geboren 1980. 2011 nahm Mosese am Berlinale Talent Campus teil. Mother, I Am Suffocating. This Is My Last Film About You (2019) ist sein erster abendfüllender Film.

2014 - Mosonngoa (Mocked One), kurtz
2015 - Behemoth or the Game of God, kurtz
2019 - Mother, I Am Suffocating. This Is My Last Film About You, abendfüllender Film
2019 - This Is Not A Burial, It's A Resurrection

Source :
* Stand Bio- & Filmografie: Berlinale 2019 /// www.berlinale.de/de/programm/pressevorfuehrungen/datenblatt.html?film_id=201918614
* www.dohafilminstitute.com/financing/projects/grants/mother-i-am-suffocating-this-is-my-last-film-about-you
* www.arizonafilms.fr/films/lindomptable-feu-du-printemps/



ليموهانج جيرمياه موسي هو صانع أفلامٌ من ليسوتو في جنوب أفريقيا علّم نفسه حرفة صناعة الأفلام. عُرض اثنان من أفلامه القصيرة، "Mosonngoa" (2014)، و"Behemoth - or the Game of God" (2015)، في عددٍ كبيرٍ من المهرجانات السينمائية العالمية، من بينها مهرجان كليمينت-فيراند الدولي للأفلام القصيرة، ومهرجان ريندانس السينمائي الدولي، وفيلم كينودوت للأفلام، ومهرجان del Cinema Africano، ومهرجان dAsia e America Latina، فضلاً عن مهرجان دوربان السينمائي الدولي، ومهرجان L'Étrange Festival. ليموهانج تخرّج أيضاً من برنامج حرم المواهب التابع لمهرجان برلين السينمائي الدولي 2012 (Berlinale Talent Campus)، وبرنامج فوكس الأول للأفلام القصيرة من أفريقيا (2012) (Focus Features Africa First Short Program)، وسكن ريلنس سكرينرايتر (2017) (Realness Screenwriter's Residency) وورشة فاين لكت في البندقية (2018) (Final Cut in Venice).



9 files


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