SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Démétrius ANUNDA (Démétrius67)

Démétrius ANUNDA (Démétrius67)
© https://writep.wordpress.com/
Writer, Philosopher, Commentary writer
Principal country concerned : Column : Literature, History/society, Media

One might choose an interest in philosophy, but more likely it is philosophy that chooses us. The journey from Mauritius to France, was my first philosophical crossing. The world of Marcel Pagnol, Alphonse Daudet and Michel de Montaigne set me on a path that was unknown to me. From Bretagne to Provance, from Thessaloniki to Athens, the country of Kant Bavaria, the seedlings of my thoughts began their growth unknowingly. Whatever the purpose or the choices in my life, it is the intuitive pursuit of happiness, which spurs me forward. Philosophy is always the search of "me." It is through this search for my inner self that I will find my way. It is not in my words, but in the interpretation I give them. When words fail us, life begins.


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  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Persuaders cultural club

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