SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Assamala Amoi

Born in Paris, Assamala Amoi is a published author of novels, short stories, poems and children's books.
. Avion par terre. Éduitions Anibwé, France, 2010.
. Comme on tire sur l'oiseau qui chante, Éditions Publibook, 2010.
. Le deuil des émeraudes, Editions La bruyère, 2006, France.
. Appelez-moi Bijou, CEDA, 1997, Côte d'Ivoire.

Children's book: At BLD éditions, Sénégal, 2006 :
▪ Coucou le moineau
▪ Dem Dikk le minibus
▪ Dab Dab le caneton
▪ Vivi le vent
Elsewhwere :
▪ La carapace perdue. NEI-Hachette, Côte d'Ivoire, 1999
▪ La colère du roi des plantes. NEI, Côte d'Ivoire, 1998
▪ Pourquoi les plantes ne se déplacent pas. Hurtubise, Canada, 1994
Poetry: Poems in A Rain of Words, an Anthology of female poets by Irène d'Almeida, University of Virginia Press, 2008
June 2005: Certificate in French and English Translation, University of London Institute in Paris (France).University degrees in Humanities, Abidjan National University:
1987 : Diplôme d'Études approfondies (DEA) (Equivalent 1 year post graduate in English Literature) - Memoire on George Orwell's work
1984 : Maîtrise d'anglais (Equivalent Masters, English Literature) - Memoire on Thomas Hardy's work
1982 : Licence d'anglais (Equivalent BA, English Literature) - English, African and American literatures and civilization, and linguistics

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