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PGGSS stars light up Nyanza

Genre : Event evaluations
Principal country concerned : Column : Music
Release/publication date : May 2015
Published on : 05/05/2015
Source : http://www.newtimes.co.rw/section/article/2015-05-04/188441/

The Primus GumaGuma Super Star 5 (PGGSS5) roadshows resumed in a thrilling way after a month long break as the stars descended on the Southern Province town of Nyanza.

The usually quiet town (unless if Rayon Sport is in town), was the next destination for GumaGuma contestants as they continue to crisscross the country seeking to have a go on the top prize.

It had rained the big part of the morning but fortunately it stopped in time to allow the show to commence, albeit on a muddy ground, though that did not stop the residents of Nyanza to come in hoards.

The ten artistes competing for the tittle did not disappoint either, picking up from where they had stopped by putting up rather entertaining performances.

Rafiki Mazimpaka of the Choga style fame was the first to perform, appearing on stage in blue trousers and a matching waistcoat.

The Igikosi singer, with the support of his back-upsinger kicked off his performance with a reggae acapella before he went on to sing some of his songs including Bagambe, Bwongoza Faux and YaDunno among others

In his 15 minutes on the stage, the Choga king used the opportunity to woo Nyanza residents by claiming that he donned blue in honour of Rayon Sports, a much revered football club in Nyanza. Whether it was a trick to woo fans or genuine love for the club is a story for another day.

Bruce Melodie performs at the well attended road show.

Female rapper OddaPaccy came on second and was received warmly by the crowd which sang along to her hits Rendez-vous and Love ya weekend. She was clearly delighted by the warm reception of the fans and promised to do even better on forthcoming shows

Dreamboys hit the stage third, as usual clad in matching outfits, with the support of an energetic group of dancers.

TMC real name Claude Mujyanama, the other half of the group had trouble with the microphone but it was soon fixed and they went on to put up an ecstatic performance of UrareAharyana andTujyaneIwacu.

TMC said that their secret is giving it their all while on stage and indeed they are proving to be a force to reckon with this year.

The other boy bands of the day Active and TNP also had great performances to write home about. The Active trio impressed as usual with sleek dance moves to complement their songs Active Love, Lift and Pole.

"As the competition goes on, we have to get better in what we do, be it singing or dancing, "said Tizzo real name Thierry Mugiraneza one of the trio.

Paccy real name Pacal Kizito of TNP duo was equally happy the fans sang along to their songs Kamucerenge and InamaYawe even though the performance did not go as planned.

"This is a competition, the other acts impressed in some aspects like performance but we also impressed elsewhere but the competition is still going on, probably we will do better next time," Paccy said.

Like Rafiki, Eric Senderi, also turned up in Rayon Sport colours as well as traditional Rwandan wear, which he said he wore because Nyanza is home to the country's Kings. Senderi kicked of his performance with the Rayon Sport club anthem and then did Jalousie and NtaCash to an excited crowd.

Bulldogg came on later and also impressed with an acapella of Kazaroho before doing the highly anticipated Nkumusaza which got the crowd singing.

He appreciated the crowd for valuing artistes and particularly supporting Rwandan Hiphop, adding that the title is for a hip hop artiste to lose.

Dream Boys and their dancers received a warm reception from Nyanza residents. (All Photos by Primus Rwanda)

A more confident and relaxed Bruce Melodie stepped on stage and opened his act with Ntundize to which the crowd sang along. He did Tubivemo, Hello and then Ndumiwe which sent the crowd into frenzy.

Jules Sentore wasn't impressed with a section of the fans who were trying to boo him as he did Ngera and Kora Akazi, he said he wouldn't be deterred as he is the only one representing traditional Rwandan music.

Knowless closed the day with Baramushaka, Wariurihe and Follow you which were equally appreciated by the crowd.

"The performances were breath taking. The artistes really gave us the entertainment we came for," said Jean Bosco Ashimwe, one of the fans.

Speaking after the show, Francine Naomi Umutoni the Primus and Turbo King brand Manager said that it was a second time GumaGuma had come to Nyanza, the first time was in the third season in 2013. In 2014, the town was skipped.

"The turnout was impressive and the artistes did their best to entertain Nyanza," Umutoni said, adding that the forthcoming show in Huye town should be even bigger and better.


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