SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity


  • Ouvertures
Genre : Historical
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2019
Running time : 132 (in minutes)

Moving from the frozen landscapes of the Jura mountains to the urban centres of Port-au-Prince, Ouvertures brings the Haitian revolutionary Toussaint Louverture back to life. In France a Haitian researcher attempts to read the past within the stratigraphic layers of Jurassic limestone, whilst in Haiti a group of young actors translate and rehearse scenes from Monsieur Toussaint, a play written by Édouard Glissant, that recounts the last days in the life of Louverture dying in exile in a prison cell in the Jura, 1803. Ghosts from the pantheon of Haitian history visit Louverture on his deathbed and put him to trial. As the play proceeds the actors become possessed by their characters, and eventually, the ghost of Louverture joins the group and takes them on a voyage for a new kind of exile.


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Persuaders cultural club

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