SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

In Bamako the Women are Beautiful

  • A Bamako, les femmes sont belles…
Genre : Biography
Type : Documentary
Original title : En Bamako, las mujeres son hermosas [Espagne]
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 1995
Format : Feature
Running time : 65 (in minutes)

La realizadora guadalupeña va al encuentro de las mujeres de Malí, en Bamako y luego en Ségou. Con respeto y sensibilidad, Christiane Succab-Goldman nos muestra un rostro del África a imagen y semejanza de esta canción que data de la época del Sudán francés, "En Bamako, las mujeres son hermosas"


A meeting with the women of Mali, land-locked country of the Sahara with an illustrious and complex past which today has one of the poorest populations on the planet. In Bamako, the capital, as in the rest of the country, women try to balance the demands of tradition and development.

The woman director from Guadaloupe meets women in Bamako and Ségou in Mali. With respect and sensitivity, Christiane Succab-Goldman shows us a facet of Africa corresponding to a song from the era of the French Sudan : "In Bamako the Women are Beautiful".

(1996) 65 minutes
(French with English subtitles)

directed by:
Christiane Succab-Goldman

produced by:
La Sept. ARTE


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Persuaders cultural club

With the support of