SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Exhibition: Matatu Games by Dennis Muraguri

© Kuona Trust
Genre : Exhibition | Nairobi

From wednesday 18 june to wednesday 02 july 2014

Times : 00:00
Contact details : Kuona Trust
Principal country concerned : Column : Fine arts

This exhibition is part of the ongoing Matatu project which centers on the urban matatu culture.  The first phase of this exhibition was a public art project done in the streets of Nairobi earlier this year.It presents street art as a significant art form that is as valuable and powerful as any other. 

The artist takes a particular focus on touts, popularly referred to as 'makangas'.He brings to light the audacious stunts (matatu games) that the touts are famous for.

Muraguri uses different medium to showcase this unique sub culture whose influence on our society is irrefutable.

About the artist

Dennis Muraguri is a mixed media artist whose work employs sculptures, paintings, installations, often in unexpected combinations that traverse traditional practice boundaries.
He graduated top of his class at the Buru Buru Institute of Fine Arts with a Diploma in Painting and History of Art and is currently based at Kuona Trust Art centre.He has showcased his work in many art galleries with Matau Games being his come back solo exhibition.

Information / Venue

Likoni Close, Likoni Lane Off Dennis Pritt Road, Hurligham
Nairobi ( 0506 )


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Persuaders cultural club

With the support of