SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Why does Africa - such a rich continent - remain so poor?

Release date : Sunday 11 december 2011
Genre : Topicality, policy

Book ISBN number : 9 782304 038682
Pages : 506
Column : History/society

The curse of political power seems to strike the sub-Saharan African élites in such a way that it causes deep unsettling in their psyches, which prevents them from seeing the lights of the trivial realities of their respective peoples. In the course of the next decade, the salvation of these peoples might come from women acceding to power in each of these countries.
More generally, all the political élites on the earth we share, with the noteworthy exception of those of Sweden, have sold their souls to the power of money which has now become both their master and their only God. In their minds, "the Golden Calf" shines with all its munificence and its bewitching spell. It exerts such a fascination on their minds that they are blind to the plight of their respective peoples. We might point out - without being likely to be mistaken - that they willingly transformed themselves into the lackeys of the powers of the finance industry.
The political élites have therefore consented to be the fabulous and efficient tools of the economic, industrial and financial despots of the world. Thus they seem to be entitled to kill the countries' real economies in order to reduce the peoples to slavery, as if they had also been given the mission to transfer the wealth of the peoples to the sole enjoyment of the economic and financial minority on the earth we share. Nevertheless, the salvation of mankind might result from the consent of the contemporary peoples aiming at creating the United Intelligentsia of the States (U.I.S.).

(Traduit par Odile Gouget)


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  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Persuaders cultural club

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