SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Memory of missionaries

  • Mémoire de missionnaires
Genre : Historical
Type : Documentary
Original title : Amintiri ale misionarilor [Roumanie]
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2017
Format : Mid-length
Running time : 56 (in minutes)

In the last century, men of the Church went to the Congo to preach the Good Word. In Mémoire de Missionnaires (Memory of missionaries), the last witnesses of that time recount their memories. They are marked forever by their experiences, by the contradictions and by the cultural shocks. Their memories often testify to a part of colonial history which is often commented upon and yet unrecognized. They give a lucid and critical look at the Christianization of Africa.

A film by Delphine WIL

France / Belgium, 2017, Documentary, 56 mins

Genre: Documentary - color
Language: Swahili & French
Subtitles: French/English
Format: 16/9
Sound: stereo - 5.1
Run time: 55'36"
Shot on HDV

Produced by Aurélien Bodinaux
Co-produced by Oualid Baha

Directed by Delphine Wil
Screenplay: Delphine Wil
Director of Photography Florian Vallée
Sound Engineer: Jeanne Debarsy
Editing: Sébastien Calvez
Sound Editing: Stéphane Grégoire & Bertrand Le Roy
Music: Aldo Platteau
Additional music: Stéphane Grégoire & Bertrand Le Roy
Mix: Aymeric Eustache
Translator/Interpreter: Charly Kasereka
Calibration: Pierre-Louis Viné

Production: Neon Rouge
Co-production: Tact Production

With the support of FWB, RTBF, CNC, Lyon Capitale TV, Procirep-Angoa

Project developped as part of the Africadoc residencies

- Festival du film documentaire de Saint-Louis (Saint-Louis - Sénégal, 12/2017)
- Mashariki African Film Festival (Rwanda - Kigali, 03/2018)
- Vues d'Afrique (Montréal - Canada, 04/2018)​
- FESTICAB Festival International du Cinéma et de l'Audio-Visuel du Burundi (Bujumbura - Burundi, 05/2018)
- 8e Rencontres Afrique en docs (Saint-Louis - Sénégal, 06/2018)
- 9ème édition du festival international de Films de Femmes Mis Me BINGA (Cameroun, 06/2018) - In competition
- Congo International Film Festival (République Democratique du Congo, 07/2018)
- The Rasnov Histories and Film Festival, edition #10 (Râșnov Citadel, Romania 07/2018)​
- AFRICLAP (Toulouse​ - France, 08/2018)



În secolul trecut, oameni ai bisericii au mers în Congo pentru a duce mai departe Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu. În „Mémoire de Missionnaires", ultimii martori ai acelor vremuri îşi povestesc amintirile. Experienţele trăite, contradicţiile şi şocul cultural îi marchează pentru totdeauna. Amintirile lor adeseori mărturisesc o parte a istoriei colonial, despre care se comentează de multe ori, dar care nu este recunoscută. Ei oferă o perspectivă critică lucidă asupra creştinării Africii.

Regizorului: Delphine Wil

2017, film documentar, 52'

- The Rasnov Histories and Film Festival, edition #10 (Râșnov Citadel, Romania 07/2018)​
Amintiri ale misionarilor / Memory of Missionaries / Mémoire de missionnaires
Competitia de film documentar, Festivalul de Film şi Istorii Râşnov
Marti, 24 iulie, 6PM, Cinematograful "Amza Pellea", Râşnov
În prezența regizorului Delphine Wil
* Primul român



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  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Persuaders cultural club

With the support of